Getting the Most Value from your Employee Survey
Companies need to ensure they are providing their employees with the tools, information and support they need to be successful at their jobs. One way companies gauge how well they meet their employees’ needs is through an annual employee survey. Employee surveys can provide companies useful insight about what makes their employees want to work […]
Visualizing Product Quality and Customer Service Quality
I recently wrote about (and visually illustrated) the different types of customer loyalty in customer experience management programs. In that post, I showed how factor analysis can be used to help us understand the measurement and meaning of customer loyalty. In this week’s post, I use factor analysis to illustrate the measurement of two primary touch points about […]
Is Service Quality More Important than Product Quality?
This past weekend, Apple released the iPad 3. My daughter and I visited the Apple store in downtown San Francisco to take a peek at their new device. Of course, the store was packed full of Apple fans, each trying out the new iPad. This particular in-store experience got me thinking about the role of […]
4 Ways to Optimize Your Customer Survey [INFOGRAPHIC]
Companies, in support of their customer experience management (CEM) programs, rely heavily on the use of customer surveys as a means of collecting customer feedback. An optimal customer survey maximizes the value of the survey to both the businesses who use them and their customers who take them. Specifically, businesses need customer surveys that provide […]
The Pitfalls of Using Predictive Models
I joined my friend’s fantasy football league this past season. I was skeptical to join at first. My friend’s league had been together for 7 years, each participant with deep knowledge about nearly all the NFL players and the game. I, on the other hand, have not followed NFL football for nearly 20 years and […]
Clarifying Employee Engagement: A Review of Four Employee Engagement Measures
The concept of employee engagement is a popular one. I have seen many claims that companies with higher employee engagement have better outcomes (e.g., higher customer loyalty, increased employee performance, business growth) than companies who do not. Consultants even tout their own measure of employee engagement and present research to show its effectiveness. From the […]
Visualizing the Three Components of Customer Loyalty
I use factor analysis (more on that below) often in my customer experience management research. Specifically, I use it to help understand how to best measure customer loyalty. The value of factor analysis, however, is sometimes lost in the details. In this post, I adopt a visual approach in presenting factor-analytic results of some prior […]
Analyzing Big Data: A Customer-Centric Approach
The latest buzz word in business is Big Data. According to Pat Gelsinger, President and COO of EMC, in an article by the The Wall Street Journal, Big Data refers to the idea that companies can extract value from collecting, processing and analyzing vast quantities of data. Businesses who can get a better handle on these […]