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Author Archive | Bob Hayes


Simplifying Loyalty Driver Analysis

Customer Experience Management (CEM) programs use customer feedback data to help understand and improve the quality of the customer relationship. In their attempts to improve systemic problems, companies use these data to identify where customer experience improvement efforts will have the greatest return on investment (ROI). Facing a tidal wave of customer feedback data, how do […]

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Table 1. Summary of Micro and Macro Approach

Maximizing the value of your customer experience management data

Customer experience management (CEM) programs can generate a lot of data. The value of these data is based on their utility to improve the customer experience and the overall quality of the customer relationship. Companies, to be successful need to effectively organize and analyze these large data sets as well as disseminate resulting information to […]

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Three Phases of the Customer Lifecycle

Measuring The Customer Experience Requires Fewer Questions Than You Think

A formal definition of customer experience, taken from Wikipedia, states that customer experience is: “The sum of all experiences a customer has with a supplier of goods or services, over the duration of their relationship with that supplier.” In practical terms, customer experience is the customer’s perception of, and attitude about, different areas of your […]

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Figure 3. Relative performance (RPA) helps explain purchasing loyalty behavior. Improving relative performance will increase purchasing loyalty and share of wallet.

The Importance of Your Relative Performance

Customer Experience Management (CEM) is the process of understanding and managing customers’ interaction with and perceptions about the company/brand. In these programs, customer experience metrics are tracked and used to identify improvement opportunities in order to increase customer loyalty. These customer experience metrics, used to track performance against oneself, may not be adequate for understanding […]

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Relative Performance Assessment Graph

Relative Performance Assessment: Improving your Competitive Advantage

Companies continually look for ways to increase customer loyalty (e.g., recommendations, retention, continue buying, purchase different/additional offerings). A popular loyalty improvement approach is customer experience management (CEM). CEM is the process of understanding and managing customers’ interactions with and perceptions about the company/brand. The idea behind this approach is that, if you can increase the satisfaction with the […]

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Understanding the Mobile User Experience Will Help you Build a Better App

I have had the opportunity to apply my knowledge about customer loyalty/experience measurement in the area of mobile application development/testing. Today’s post is about what makes a 5-star mobile app. A 5-Star Rating is the Goal The 5-star rating scale has become the default mobile app criterion in mobile app stores. In a global survey of […]

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Overall Mobile Application Ratings (Star ratings) are Related to Different Types of User Loyalty

What does the 5-point/star mobile app rating tell us about user loyalty?

I have had the opportunity to apply my knowledge about customer loyalty/experience measurement in the area of mobile application development/testing. Today’s post is about the measurement of user loyalty toward mobile applications. Does the 5-Point/Star Rating Measure User Loyalty? The 5-point/star rating scale has become the default mobile app loyalty metric in mobile app stores. […]

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Remembering Steve Jobs

Please share your thoughts about Steve Jobs

Everybody has an opinion about Steve Jobs. Please tell me what you think of him and how he has impacted your life in this brief survey. Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, passed away earlier this week at the age of 56. In the process of writing about how he impacted my life in my blog, I created an […]

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