Getting to Love: Customer Word Clouds
I continually look for ways to present data in ways that are both informational and visually interesting. My hope is that, if scientific rigor does not capture the readers’ attention, the way in which the data are presented will. Last month, I stumbled across the use of word clouds in survey research. Word clouds are used to […]

Linking Constituency and VoC Metrics
Business linkage analysis is the process of linking disparate business data sources together for the purposes of understanding the relationships between them (See Figure 1). Constituency linkage analysis allows us to better understand how employees and partner relationships impact the health of the customer relationships. The service profit chain depicted in Figure 2 (I added […]

Linking Operational and VoC Metrics
Business linkage analysis is the process of linking disparate business data sources together for the purposes of understanding the relationships between them (See Figure 1). For operational linkage analysis, we are interested in understanding the relationship between customer feedback metrics and operational metrics. Demonstrating the statistical relationship between customer feedback metrics and operational metrics is […]

Linking Financial and VoC Metrics
Business linkage analysis is the process of linking disparate business data sources together for the purposes of understanding the relationships between them (See Figure 1). For financial linkage analysis, we are interested in understanding the relationship between customer feedback metrics and financial business outcomes. Demonstrating the statistical relationship between customer feedback metrics and financial business […]

Business Linkage Analysis: An Overview
Customer feedback professionals are asked to demonstrate the value of their customer feedback programs. They are asked: Does the customer feedback program measure attitudes that are related to real customer behavior? How do we set operational goals to ensure we maximize customer satisfaction? Are the customer feedback metrics predictive of our future financial performance and […]

20 Best Practices for Customer Feedback Programs: Applied Research
Below is the final installment of the 20 Best Practices for Customer Feedback Programs. Today’s post covers best practices in Applied Research. Applied Research Best Practices Customer-focused research using the customer feedback data can provide additional insight into the needs of the customer base and increases the overall value of the customer feedback program. This […]

20 Best Practices for Customer Feedback Programs: Method and Reporting
Below is the next installment of the 20 Best Practices for Customer Feedback Programs. Today’s post covers best practices in Method and Reporting. Best Practices in Method and Reporting Customer requirements are those aspects of the customer experience that are important to the customers. Establishing a comprehensive list of these customer requirements is necessary in any […]

20 Best Practices for Customer Feedback Programs: Business Process Integration
Below is the next installment of the 20 Best Practices for Customer Feedback Programs. Today’s post covers best practices in Business Process Integration. Business Process Integration Best Practices The area of Business Process Integration addresses the extent to which the organization embeds elements of the customer feedback program (including processes and data) into other business […]