Formal Education Attained and Nontraditional Education Pursued by Data Scientists
A recent study found that about 2/3rds of data professionals hold either a Master’s (46%) or Doctoral (17%) degree and about a quarter of them hold a Bachelor’s degree. Additionally, the top platforms used by data professionals for data science courses are: Coursera (44%), Kaggle (25%) and Udemy (24%). Kaggle conducted a worldwide survey in […]

Usage of Programming Languages by Data Scientists: Python Grows while R Weakens
The practice of data science, including work in machine learning and artificial intelligence, requires the use of analytics tools, technologies and programming languages. A recent survey of nearly 20,000 data professionals by Kaggle revealed that Python, SQL and R continue to be the most popular programming languages. The most popular, by far, was Python (87% […]

Customer Experience and Emerging Technologies: My CXChat Summary on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and the Customer
Below is a list of topics, answers and articles in support of a recent Tweet Chat in which I was the guest. The chat (#CXChat) was on customer experience and emerging technologies. You can read the official summary of this CXChat by Sue Duris here. I was invited as a guest in a weekly tweet […]

Using IBM Watson to Answer Two Important Questions about your Customers
Customer experience management (CXM) programs are necessarily a quantitative endeavor, requiring CX professionals to decipher insights from a sea of customer data. In this post, I will illustrate how you can use IBM Watson Studio to analyze one source of customer data, customer survey responses, to answer two important questions about the health of your […]

How do Data Professionals Spend their Time on Data Science Projects?
Data science projects require data professionals to devote their energy toward different activities toward project completion. Results of a recent study of over 23,000 data professionals found that data scientists spend about 40% of gathering and cleaning data, 20% of their time building and selecting models and 11% of their time finding insights and communicating […]

Top Cloud Computing Products and Services Used by Data Scientists
A recent survey revealed that 69% of data pros have used at least one cloud computing product in the last 5 years while 62% of data pros have used at least one cloud computing service in the last 5 years. The most popular cloud computing products include AWS Elastic Compute, Google Cloud Engine and AWS […]

Most Popular Machine Learning Frameworks and Products Used by Data Professionals
A recent survey revealed that 84% of data pros have used at least one ML framework in the last 5 years while 51% of data pros have used at least one ML product in the last 5 years. The most popular ML frameworks include Scikit-Learn, Tensorflow and Keras. The most popular ML products include SAS, […]

Usage-Driven Groupings of Data Science and Machine Learning Programming Languages
Analysis of usage patterns of 16 data science programming languages by over 18,000 data professionals showed that programming languages can be grouped into a smaller set (specifically, 5 groupings). That is, some programming languages tend to be used together apart from other programming languages. A few of the different groupings of languages reflect specific types […]