Creating Loyal Customers for SaaS Companies [VIDEO]
Software as a Service (Saas) companies are particularly vulnerable to customer disloyalty. SaaS companies’ success depends on satisfying their customers on a regular basis or risk the possibility of loosing customers and engendering bad will in the marketplace. Consequently, customer experience management applies particularly well to Software as a Service companies due to the high-intensity […]
Three Customer Experience Management Tips for Startups
I was invited to give a talk last week at a local incubator (Eastside Incubator) on how startups can incorporate customer experience management into their companies. Thanks to Phuoc Do from 1001 Mentorsfor the invitation. The slides to my talk are at the end of this post. The content of the post below should provide […]
In the Absence of Data, Everyone is Right
I wrote a post last week that compared two ways to make decisions/predictions: 1) opinion-driven and 2) data-driven. I am a big believer of using data to help make decisions/predictions. Many pundits/analysts made predictions about who would win the US presidential elections. Now that the elections are over, we can compare the success rate for […]
The Value of Opinion versus Data in Customer Experience Management
Senior executives make business decisions based on different types of information. They can use their gut feelings to guide their decisions, they can use data to inform their decisions or they can use both. Executives’ decisions can be guided by their prior experiences or an examination of a whole host of business data to help […]
Measuring Customer Loyalty in Non-Competitive Environments
Measuring customer loyalty, the degree to which customers engage in positive behaviors toward your company/brand, is essential for your customer experience management (CEM) program. We know that customer loyalty is key to driving business growth (e.g., increased revenue, market share). Customers can exhibit many different types of loyalty behaviors toward a company, from recommending your company […]
What is the Value of International Polls about the US Presidential Candidates?
I saw the results of a recent opinion poll about the US presidential election that amazed me. While many recent polls of US voters reveal a virtual tie in presidential race between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, a BBC poll surveying citizens from other countries about the US president found overwhelming support for Barack Obama over Mitt […]
The Big Data Problem in Customer Experience Management: Understanding Sampling Error
Big Data is being touted as the next big thing for businesses. The benefits of Big Data are apparent in many areas, from search results and recommendation engines to customer experience management. By analyzing massive amounts of quickly expanding, diverse data, businesses are able to gain the insights they need to beat their competitors. A […]
Battling Misinformation in Customer Experience Management
I read an article last week in Scientific American that has implications about the field of customer experience management (CEM). The article, Diss Information: Is There a Way to Stop Popular Falsehoods from Morphing into “Facts”?, discusses the phenomenon of widely held beliefs that are not true. Think about President Barack Obama’s US citizenship status still […]