Big Data Improves The Customer Experience Through Silo Integration
I had the privilege of delivering a talk on the topic of Big Data and Customer Experience as part of the Customer Experience Professional Association (CXPA) Bay Area Local Networking Event in San Mateo, CA on February 26, 2014. I would like to thank the CXPA for hosting and organizing this event. Below are the slides […]
The One Hidden Skill You Need to Unlock the Value of Your Data
An examination of data scientist skills reveals an often overlooked skill necessary to uncover insights from data: The Scientific Method Data scientists are a hot commodity in today’s data-abundant world. Business leaders are relying on data scientists to improve how they acquire data, determine its value, analyze it and build algorithms for the ultimate purpose of […]
Big Data Trends for 2014
Last week, I consolidated several Big Data vendors’ predictions about what to expect in the Big Data world in 2014. This week, we will take a look at what Big Data customers think. IDG Enterprise conducted a study to gain a better understanding of organizations’ big data initiatives, investments and strategies. In their 2014 IDG Enterprise Big […]
The Big Picture of Big Data for 2014
Several Big Data vendors have provided their predictions about what we might expect from the field of Big Data in 2014. These predictions come from articles from the following vendors (links provide each vendor’s predictions): IBM, SGI, Think Big Analytics, Xplenty, Pentaho, Alpine Data Labs, MapR Technologies, DataDirect Networks and Concurrent. For each article, I used […]
Estimating Other “Likelihood to Recommend” Metrics from Your Net Promoter Score (NPS)
In the realm of customer experience management, businesses can employ different summary metrics of customer feedback ratings. That is, the same set of data can be summarized in different ways. Popular summary metrics include mean scores, net scores and customer segment percentages. Prior analysis of different likelihood to recommend metrics reveal, however, that they are highly […]
Top 10 BOB Blog Posts of 2013: It’s all About Loyalty and Analytics
I’ve rounded up my most popular (based on pageviews) blog posts from 2013. The top blog post was on the Customer Loyalty Measurement Framework which received three times as many views as the second most popular blog post. Many of the remaining top blog posts were on how companies can improve the value of their […]
The Meaning of Scale Values for Likelihood to Recommend Ratings
Customer experience management professionals use self-reported “likelihood” questions to measure customer loyalty. In their basic form, customer loyalty questions ask customers to rate their likelihood of engaging in different types of loyalty behaviors toward the company, including behaviors around retention (likelihood to leave), advocacy (likelihood to recommend) and purchasing (likelihood to buy different products). These loyalty […]
Customer Loyalty Resource for Customer Experience Professionals
I have written on the topic of customer loyalty and related matters for many years. I organized many of these writings on customer loyalty and metrics below as a quick resource for people looking to learn about the concept of customer loyalty and its value to business. Be sure to bookmark this page as I […]