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Word cloud of responses from customer survey using the question, "What one word best describes this company's products/services?

Development of the Customer Sentiment Index: Introduction

In the next few blog posts, I will introduce a new metric, the Customer Sentiment Index (CSI). Integrated into your customer relationship survey, the CSI assesses the degree to which customers possess a positive or negative attitude about you. The development of the CSI involved the application of different disciplines including psychometrics, sentiment analysis and predictive analytics. Each weekly […]

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Figure 2. Patient Experience Trends

Are U.S. Hospitals Delivering a Better Patient Experience?

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) use patient feedback about their care as part of their reimbursement plan for acute care hospitals. Under the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program, CMS makes value-based incentive payments to acute care hospitals, based either on how well the hospitals perform on certain quality measures or how much the hospitals’ performance improves on […]

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IBM and Hadoop Challenge You to Use Big Data for Good

Big Data is about solving problems by bringing technology, data and people together. Sure, we can identify ways to get customers to buy more stuff or click on more ads, but the ultimate value of Big Data is in its ability to make this world a better place for all. IBM and Hadoop recently launched the Big Data for […]

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Is Big Data The Most Hyped Technology Ever?

I read an article today on the topic of Big Data. In the article, the author claims that the term Big Data is the most hyped technology ever, even compared to such things as cloud computing and Y2K. I thought this was a bold claim and one that is testable. Using Google Trends, I looked […]

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Customer Genome Project

Big Data Integration and Your Customer Genome

One of business’ Big Data challenges is the integration of different data silos. The integration of these disparate customer data helps your analytics team to identify the interrelationships among the different pieces of customer information, including their values, interests, attitudes about your brand, interactions with your brand and more. Integrating information/facts about your customers allows you to gain an […]

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Six Ways to Define Big Data

Berkeley School of Information (datascience@berkeley) recently asked experts in a variety of industries to provide their definition of “Big Data”. They received over 40 definitions that ranged from the traditional 3 Vs (i.e., Volume, Velocity and Variety) to anything related to analytics or visualization. Some of these definitions were fairly narrow and focused only a single concept (e.g., […]

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Figure 1. Service Delivery Model Highlights the Impact of Employees and Partners on Customer Loyalty and Business Growth

The Meaning, Measurement and Analysis of the Employee Experience

Managing the employee experience is critical to the success of your business. Employees, after all, build the products and deliver service to your customers.  In short, they help ensure the customers receive a great customer experience, which translates into happier, loyal customers. Consequently, business leaders are seeking to better understand how to improve the quality of […]

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Employee Relative Performance on Employee Retention Rate

Your Relative Performance: A Better Predictor of Employee Turnover

Last week, I compared two employee turnover metrics. One metric was a self-reported measure gathered through surveys. The other metric reflected the employment status at a later date (the objective metric). The analysis showed that, while self-reported intentions to quit predicted whether or not the employee actually quit, the correlation between the two metrics was only r […]

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