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Investigating Data Scientists - Infographic - Cover

How Data Scientists Extract Value from Data [Infographic]

Building a successful data science program in your company relies on a good understanding of the data professionals who extract insights and value from data and how they do it. Toward that goal, we asked over 600 data scientists about their skills, jobs, colleagues and more. We have summarized the results of this ongoing study in several blog posts […]

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Customer Loyalty Measurement Framework

Selecting the Right Customer Loyalty Measures for your CX Efforts

Customer loyalty plays a key role in any customer experience management program. Customer loyalty reflects the degree to which customers engage in positive behaviors toward and experience positive feelings about a company or brand. Your customer loyalty metrics plays large part in your customer experience analytics efforts; the goal of analytics is to uncover ways […]

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Figure 1. Data Scientists Work in Many Industries. Click image to enlarge.

Industry Differences in Data Science Roles, Skills and Project Outcomes

The AnalyticsWeek and Business Over Broadway Data Science Survey survey revealed industry differences in data science roles, proficiency in data science skills and satisfaction with work outcomes. The Information Technology industry is home to most data scientists. Data scientists who are Researchers outnumber the other types of data scientists in six of the top 10 industries […]

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Table 1. Principal Component Matrix of 95 Data Science Tools - data from <a href="" target="_blank">KDNuggets 2015 annual survey of data professionals</a>. Click image to enlarge.

Are You Using the Right Data Science Tools for Your Big Data Projects?

Data scientists rely on tools/products/solutions to help them get insights from data. Gregory Piatetsky of KDNuggets conducts an annual survey of data professionals to better understand the different types of tools they use. Here are the results of the 2015 survey. He followed his initial posting with additional analyses to better understand which tools go together. […]

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Figure 3. Data Science Roles across Organizational Levels

Data Science Job Roles Across Organizational Levels

Data scientists work at all levels of the organization. Our survey of data professionals revealed that Director-level data scientists have the highest level of proficiency across many data science skills and work with more of their peers compared to data scientists who are Individual Contributors, Managers or even Executives. Satisfaction with outcome of analytics projects did […]

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Figure 1. Relationship between data science team size and work outcomes.

Larger Data Science Teams Report Better Work Outcomes

Businesses are teeming with data.  As a result, business leaders are building up their data science capabilities to help make sense of their data. Our research showed that an effective approach to optimizing the value of that data is to build data science teams rather than relying on a single data scientist. In today’s post, I […]

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The Stability of Customers’ Sentiment, Satisfaction and Recommendation Intentions

Businesses assess the attitudes of their customers using customer surveys. The purpose of these surveys, typically conducted annually, is to help companies maintain or improve the quality of the customer relationship. The quality of the customer relationship is typically indexed by a few key questions, each measuring something important about the health of the customer relationship. These […]

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