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Archive | Data Science


No Matter How You Say It, I’m Thankful for Data

We are conducting a study of the people, processes and technologies behind today’s data-driven insights. If you’re a data professional, please consider taking the Data Science and Machine Learning Survey. We’ll give you a free executive summary of the findings.To take the survey, click the link: http://bit.ly/dsmlsurvey Is there a correct way to say the […]

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Data Science Skills and the Improbable Unicorn

The role of data and analytics in business continues to grow. To make sense of their plethora of data, businesses are looking to data scientists for help. Job site, indeed.com, shows a continued growth in “data scientist” positions. To better understand the field of data science, we studied hundreds of data professionals. In that study, we […]

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Investigating Data Scientists, their Skills and Team Makeup

A new survey of 490 data professionals from small to large companies, conducted by AnalyticsWeek in partnership with Business Over Broadway, provides a look into the field of data science. Download the free Executive Summary of the report, Optimizing your Data Science Teams.  Our world of Big Data requires that businesses, to outpace their competitors, optimize the […]

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Assess Your Data Science Expertise

What kind of a data scientist are you? Take the free Data Skills Scoring System Survey at http://pxl.me/awrds3 Companies rely on experts who can make sense of their data. Often referred to as data scientists, these people bring their specific skills to bear in helping extract insight from the data. These skills include such things as […]

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Data Science Talent is Key to Analytical Innovators

Companies continually look for ways to outperform their competitors. One way they are trying to get ahead is through the application of analytics on their data. Researchers, for example, have found that top-performing businesses were twice as likely to use analytics to guide future strategies and guide day-to-day operations compared to their low-performing counterparts. Researchers from MIT […]

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bob@businessoverbroadway.com | 206.372.5990
