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Empirically-Based Approach to Understanding the Structure of Data Science

Based on a study of 620+ data professionals, we found that data science skills fall into three broad areas: domain expertise (in our case, business), technology/programming and math/statistics. I discuss the implications of study findings for current data scientists, would-be data scientists and the recruiters who try to find them. Data science is our ability to extract […]

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Figure 2. Importance of Data Science Skills to Analytics Project Success. Click image to enlarge

10 Data Science Skills You Need to Improve Project Success

Last week, I identified the top skills across different data science professionals. The results of our survey of 620+ data professionals showed that, while data scientists possess many different skills (we looked at 25 skills), some skills are more popular/common to data scientists compared to other skills. For example, the top two skills were communication and […]

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Figure 2. Top Data Science Skills by Job Role

Top 10 Skills in Data Science

The practice of data science requires skills that fall into three general areas: business acumen, computer technology/programming and statistics/math. Depending on whom you ask, the specific set of top skills varies. Dave Holtz describes the data science skills you need to get a job as a data scientist (8 Skills You Need to Be a Data Scientist). […]

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Top 10 BOB Blog Posts of 2015: Data Science, Statistics, Sentiment and Theresa

I’ve counted the pageviews of each of my 2015 blog posts and present them here in my end-of-year summary. This year, I wrote a lot about my research in the areas of data science; this research focused on the meaning of data science and how organizations can best leverage their data. Additionally, I conducted and […]

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Getting More Insights from Data: Nine Facts about the Practice of Data Science

The value of data is measured by what you do with it, and organizations are relying on data scientists to extract that value. I recently conducted a survey of data professionals to better understand what it means to be a data scientist. I discovered a few things that can help organizations optimize the value of their data. While […]

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Improving Gender Diversity in Data Science

Results of a survey of data professionals show that about 1 out of 4 data scientists are women. Both women and men have similar levels of education and proficiency in data science skills. Ways of improving gender diversity in the field of data science are offered. Having a gender-diverse workforce is good for business. In 2014, Gallup found that […]

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