The field of customer experience management (CEM) has seen much growth in 2012. I tried to keep pace with this growth which, I hope, is reflected in the content of my blog posts this past year. My posts included a variety of topics, ranging from how Big Data principles can help the field of CEM […]
Archive | Customer Metrics
In the Absence of Data, Everyone is Right
I wrote a post last week that compared two ways to make decisions/predictions: 1) opinion-driven and 2) data-driven. I am a big believer of using data to help make decisions/predictions. Many pundits/analysts made predictions about who would win the US presidential elections. Now that the elections are over, we can compare the success rate for […]
Is the Importance of Customer Experience Overinflated?
Companies rely on customer experience management (CEM) programs to provide insight about how to manage customer relationships effectively to grow their business. CEM programs require measurement of primarily two types of variables, satisfaction with customer experience and customer loyalty. These metrics are used specifically to assess the importance of customer experience in improving customer loyalty. Determining […]
Customer Loyalty Measures Require Comprehensiveness and Clarity
Developing measures of customer loyalty using survey questions is a scientific endeavor; these loyalty measures are typically customers’ self-reported likelihood of engaging in future loyalty behaviors. Because self-reported metrics are necessarily fraught with measurement error, I have argued for using psychometrics as a way of evaluating these “soft” metrics. Psychometrics helps you understand the reliability […]
Improve the Patient Experience to Increase Patient Loyalty
Last week, I wrote about the data that the Federal government is giving away for free. Their intent is to encourage entrepreneurs and developers to build new and innovative products and services. I highly recommend you check out the site for data in such areas as energy and education and safety. After doing several searches on the site, I […]
Unmasking the Problem with Net Scores and the NPS Claims
I wrote about net scores last week and presented evidence that showed net scores are ambiguous and unnecessary. Net scores are created by taking the difference between the percent of “positive” scores and the percent of “negative” scores. Net scores were made popular by Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix in their work on customer loyalty measurement. Their […]
The Best Likelihood to Recommend Metric: Mean Score or Net Promoter Score?
A successful customer experience management (CEM) program requires the collection, synthesis, analysis and dissemination of customer metrics. Customer metrics are numerical scores or indices that summarize customer feedback results for a given customer group or segment. Customer metrics are typically calculated using customer ratings of survey questions. I recently wrote about how you can evaluate the quality of your customer metrics and listed four questions […]
Three Upcoming Talks on Big Data and Customer Experience Management
I have recently written on Big Data’s role in Customer Experience Management (CEM) and how companies can extract great insight from their business data when different types of business data are integrated with customer feedback data. I have been invited to share my thoughts on Big Data and Customer Experience Management at three upcoming conferences in […]