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Author Archive | Bob Hayes


Business Linkage Analysis: An Overview

Customer feedback professionals are asked to demonstrate the value of their customer feedback programs. They are asked: Does the customer feedback program measure attitudes that are related to real customer behavior? How do we set operational goals to ensure we maximize customer satisfaction? Are the customer feedback metrics predictive of our future financial performance and […]

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Common types of linkages among disparate data sources

20 Best Practices for Customer Feedback Programs: Applied Research

Below is the final installment of the 20 Best Practices for Customer Feedback Programs. Today’s post covers best practices in Applied Research. Applied Research Best Practices Customer-focused research using the customer feedback data can provide additional insight into the needs of the customer base and increases the overall value of the customer feedback program. This […]

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Method and Reporting

20 Best Practices for Customer Feedback Programs: Method and Reporting

Below is the next installment of the 20 Best Practices for Customer Feedback Programs. Today’s post covers best practices in Method and Reporting. Best Practices in Method and Reporting Customer requirements are those aspects of the customer experience that are important to the customers. Establishing a comprehensive list of these customer requirements is necessary in any […]

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Figure 3. Integration of Voice of the Customer (VOC) program and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) provide a comprehensive picture of the customer relationship.

20 Best Practices for Customer Feedback Programs: Business Process Integration

Below is the next installment of the 20 Best Practices for Customer Feedback Programs. Today’s post covers best practices in Business Process Integration. Business Process Integration Best Practices The area of Business Process Integration addresses the extent to which the organization embeds elements of the customer feedback program (including processes and data) into other business […]

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Figure 2. Customer Feedback Program Governance Components

20 Best Practices for Customer Feedback Programs: Strategy and Governance

Below is the next installment of the 20 Best Practices for Customer Feedback Programs. Today’s post covers best practices in Strategy and Governance. Strategy/Governance Best Practices Strategy Strategy reflects the overarching, long-term plan of a company that is designed to help the company attain a specific goal. For customer-centric companies, the strategy is directed at […]

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Table 1. Adoption Rates of Customer Feedback Program Practices of Loyalty Leaders and Loyalty Laggards

20 Best Practices in Customer Feedback Programs: Building a Customer-Centric Company

Customer feedback programs (sometimes referred to as Voice of the Customer Programs, Customer Loyalty Programs) are widely used by many companies. These customer feedback programs are designed to help them understand their customers’ attitudes and experiences to ensure they are delivering a great customer experience. The ultimate goal of a customer feedback program is to […]

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New Mob4Hire Report “The Impact of Mobile User Experience on Network Operator Customer Loyalty” Ranks Performance Of Global Wireless Industry

Mob4Hire, in collaboration with leading customer loyalty scientist Business Over Broadway, today announced its Summer Report 2010 of its “Impact of Mobile User Experience on Network Operator Customer Loyalty” international research, conducted during the Spring. The 111-country survey analyzes the impact of mobile apps across many dimensions of the app ecosystem as it relates to […]

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Mob4Hire launches Version 4.0 of award-winning community platform after a year in development

I have been swept up into a whirlwind of activity with a company for which I am an advisor. This micro-multinational company, Mob4Hire, is the largest real world, crowd sourced testing and market research company for mobile applications. We have been working on new service offerings and a new platform that helps mobile software companies […]

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