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Author Archive | Bob Hayes

Remembering Steve Jobs. Click image to enlarge.

Remembering Steve Jobs

Everybody has an opinion about Steve Jobs. Please tell me how he has impacted your life in this brief survey. I have read more about Steve Jobs after his passing than before. The outpouring of emotion and words of remembrance for him on the Web reflects the impact that he had on people who knew him and […]

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Figure 2. Impact of Service Experience on Retention, Advocacy and Purchasing Loyalty. Click image to enlarge.

Measuring Customer Loyalty is Essential for a Successful CEM Program

Customers can exhibit many different types of loyalty behaviors toward a company (e.g., recommend, purchase same, purchase different products, stay/leave), each responsible for different types of business growth. Furthermore, when asked about their loyalty behaviors via relationship surveys, customers’ ratings of loyalty questions show that customer loyalty essentially boils down to three different types of customer […]

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Gleanster: Actionable insights at a glance

Gleanster – Actionable Insights at a Glance

I am happy to announce that I have joined Gleanster’s Thought Leader group as a contributing analyst. Gleanster is a market research and advisory services firm that benchmarks best practices in technology-enabled business initiatives, delivering actionable insights that allow companies to make smart business decisions and match their needs with vendor solutions. In my role at […]

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Why do we use surveys to measure customer loyalty?

Customer loyalty is the leading indicator of business growth. As such, companies track objective measures of customer loyalty to help them monitor the health of the customer relationship. Some objective customer loyalty metrics are: Customer retention/defection rates New customer growth Average revenue per user (ARPU) Despite the existence of these (and other) objective metrics of […]

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Beyond the Ultimate Question

Try these Customer Loyalty Questions for your Relationship Survey

Customer loyalty is the leading indicator of business growth. In fact, a main reason why companies implement voice of the customer (VoC) initiatives is to improve customer loyalty. Based on a 2010 study by Gleanster, asking 276 companies about their customer feedback management initiative, a majority of the loyalty leading companies said they implemented their […]

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