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Webinar: Improving the Customer Experience Using Big Data, Customer-Centric Measurement and Analytics

pivotal-logo-taglineI recently gave a talk on how to improve the customer experience using Big Data, customer-centric measurement and analytics. My talk was hosted by the good people at Pivotal (recently Cetas).

You can view the webinar by registering here or you can view the slides below. In this webinar, Improving the Customer Experience Using Big Data, Customer-Centric Measurement and Analytics, I include content from my new book “TCE – Total Customer Experience: Building Business Through Customer-Centric Measurement and Analytics.” I discuss three areas: measuring the right customer metrics, integrating disparate data silos and using Big Data to answer strategic business questions. Using the right customer metrics in conjunction with other business data, businesses will be able to extract meaningful results that help executives make the right decisions to move their company forward.

In the book, I present best practices in measurement and analytics for customer experience management (CEM) programs.  Drawing on decades of research and practice, I illustrate analytical best practices in the field of customer experience management that will help you increase the value of all your business data to help improve the customer experience and increase customer loyalty.


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