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Top 10 B.O.B. Blog Posts of 2012: Big Data, Patient Experience and Customer Metrics

The field of customer experience management (CEM) has seen much growth in 2012. I tried to keep pace with this growth which, I hope, is reflected in the content of my blog posts this past year. My posts included a variety of topics, ranging from how Big Data principles can help the field of CEM and patient experience (PX) management to the proper use of measurement and analytics to help create a customer-centric company.

Here are my top 10 blog posts (most pageviews) of 2012:

  1. Four Things You Need to Know about Your Customer Metrics: Companies use metrics to track progress. To be effective, these metrics need to be clear, reliable, valid and useful.
  2. Big Data has Big Implications for Customer Experience Management: The field of CEM will be impacted by the field of Big Data. Pairing Big Data principles with CEM principles, companies will be able to ask bigger questions about their customers, build the company around the customer and use objective metrics of customer loyalty.
  3. The Best Likelihood to Recommend Metric: Mean Score or Net Promoter Score?: Difference scores are ambiguous and unnecessary. Mean scores are better.
  4. Visualizing Customer Loyalty: Customer loyalty is more than just recommendations. Using factor analysis, you can literally see the three components of customer loyalty (Retention, Advocacy and Purchasing).
  5. Map of US Hospitals and their Patient Experience Ratings: Using publicly available patient experience data (e.g., HCAHPS), I created a map of US hospitals that can help you see which US hospitals are delivering a great patient experience.
  6. Improve the Patient Experience to Improve Patient Loyalty: To improve patient loyalty, hospitals can use traditional CEM analytic techniques to identify what patient experience areas are needed to improve hospital performance.
  7. Analyzing Big Data: A Customer-Centric Approach: The value of businesses’ Big Data to improve customer loyalty relies on the proper organization of different data silos. In this post, I discuss three ways to organize (and link) your business data around the customer.
  8. The Practice of Customer Experience Management: An Overview: A good summary of how loyalty leading companies structure their CEM programs. Are you adopting these best practices?
  9. Clarifying Employee Engagement: A Review of Four Metrics: Measurement matters. This post covers how employee engagement measures are only measures of employee satisfaction. If we are to advance the field of CEM, we need to be precise with our language.
  10. 4 Ways to Optimize Your Customer Survey [INFOGRAPHIC]: Here is a visual representation that summarizes my research on the types of questions you need to include in your customer survey. Turns out, a short survey provides just as much information as longer surveys.

I look forward to learning and sharing more next year. In the upcoming months, I am planning on researching and writing about the following topics (if you have suggestions, please let me know):

  • Customer experience management in an emerging industry
  • The role of science in customer experience management
  • The role of memory in the customer experience
  • Different “types” of satisfaction
  • More Big Data stuff

Happy holidays!

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