I recently reached out to data professionals on LinkedIn to ask a series of questions about their work. Results from one of those polls revealed that data professionals are generally dissatisfied with their company’s use of analytics in helping it gain a competitive advantage; nearly 6 in 10 data professionals said they were dissatisfied with their company’s use of analytics (22% extremely dissatisfied). See figure below.

While this stand-alone poll is somewhat interesting, the true value polling comes when you can ask multiple questions of respondents to see how responses across questions are correlated with each other. For this particular question, correlating responses to other aspects about the respondents’ work environment would help us identify the circumstances when data pros are satisfied vs when they are dissatisfied, essentially helping us identify best practices to optimize satisfaction with company’s use of analytics.
To identify best practices in analytics, I am conducting a large-scale survey of data professionals by asking them a set of questions about their work in data science and machine learning. As a practicing data professional, you are in a unique position to help the world better understand the data science and machine learning landscape. I developed a survey to give you an opportunity to share your work experiences in data and analytics. The survey will cover such topics as skill sets, solutions used, company’s ethics practices and roadblocks to insights, and more.

To take the survey, please click the link below.
The survey will take you about 10-15 minutes to complete. Your responses will remain strictly anonymous. However, if you wish to receive a free executive report of the findings, you will be asked to provide your name and email address at the end of the survey so that we can email you the report when completed (in a few weeks after the survey closes). In this case, if you do provide your email address, your responses will remain confidential.
Thanks in advance for your help!
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