An excellent way to learn about a subject is to ask people involved in that subject. Specifically, to learn about data science and machine learning, it is good to ask data professionals who work in those areas. A few years ago, I conducted a study by asking data professionals about their data science experience; I basically applied data science to the field of data science. Not surprisingly, that study generated a lot of insights about data science and the data professionals in that field, helping to establish the state of the industry as well as identifying best practices (see: Getting More Insights from Data: Nine Facts about the Practice of Data Science).

Today, I am extending that research and am reaching out to the data community to ask for help. As a practicing data professional, you are in a unique position to help the world better understand the data science and machine learning landscape. I developed a survey to give you an opportunity to share your work experiences in data and analytics. The survey will cover such topics as skill sets, solutions used, company’s ethics practices and roadblocks to insights, and more.
To take the survey, please click the link below.
Help Us Answer Two Questions
Your feedback will help us answer two broad questions:
- What is the state of data science and machine learning? What DS and ML practices, tools and technologies are companies currently adopting? Which industries are excelling?
- What are the best practices in DS and ML? What specific DS and ML practices will help give companies a competitive advantage? How should companies design an analytics center of excellence that is world class?
The survey will take you about 10-15 minutes to complete. Your responses will remain strictly anonymous. However, if you wish to receive a free executive report of the findings, you will be asked to provide your name and email address at the end of the survey so that we can email you the report when completed (in a few weeks after the survey closes). In this case, if you do provide your email address, your responses will remain confidential.
The survey will be open through April 22. To take the survey, please click the button below:
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact me.
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