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Big Data and Customer Experience Management Presentation

TCELab at VOCFusion 2012Download the entire Big Data / CEM presentation here.

I had the privilege of delivering a talk on the application of Big Data in Customer Experience Management. I delivered the talk at two conferences last week. The first talk was at VOCFusion in Las Vegas on May 15. The second talk was at the Score Conference in Boston on May 18. Thanks to Allegiance and Omega Management Group for organizing such great educational and inspirational events for our industry peers.

The goal of my talk was to illustrate how companies can integrate their existing business data, often housed in disparate data silos, to extract more value from them. Specifically, I showed that, to improve the customer experience and customer loyalty, companies can take a customer-centric approach to integrating, organizing and analyzing their business data to understand the relationships among different types of business data (e.g., operational, financial, constituency and customer feedback).

In the talk, I include real examples of the application of Big Data in the CEM space using such companies as Oracle and Siebel Systems.  I present three data models (e.g., how you organize the data) that help you address a specific problem you are trying to solve (e.g., Does employee training improve customer loyalty? Which operational metrics are important to customers?). Companies can apply these data models to their business data to gain deeper customer insights.

The presentation is available for free below. You can also download the entire presentation here.

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  1. Business Over Broadway : Understand Your Company Ecosystem to Improve Company Performance - May 29, 2012

    […] face to the customers and have an impact on how the customer perceives you. For example, I found evidence that employee metrics, including job satisfaction and number of training hours, were relate…. Specifically, account managers who were more satisfied with their jobs had customers who were more […] | 206.372.5990
