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Figure 1. Favorite Data Science Blogs, Podcasts and Newsletters

Favorite Data Science and Machine Learning Blogs, Podcasts and Newsletters

Over 16,000 data professionals were asked to indicate their favorite data science blogs, podcasts and newsletters.  The top two favorite blogs were KDNuggets and R Bloggers. The top two podcasts were Becoming a Data Scientist and The Data Skeptic. The top two newsletters were O’Reilly Data and Data Elixir.

Data professionals use a variety of platforms to learn data science skills. In an earlier analysis of different platforms and resources for learning data science, I found that around 29% of data professionals rely on blogs, 7% rely on podcasts and 7% rely on newsletters. In this post, we will identify data professionals’ favorite blogs, podcasts and newsletters. I used data from the Kaggle 2017 State of Data Science and Machine Learning survey of over 16,000 data professionals (survey data collected in August 2017). This comprehensive survey asked a variety of questions about data professionals’ preferences and work practices.

Favorite Data Science Blogs, Podcasts and Newsletters

Figure 1. Favorite Data Science Blogs, Podcasts and Newsletters. Click image to enlarge.

Respondents were asked to indicate their top three favorite data science blogs/podcasts/newsletters from a list of 21 options. The top 10 favorite data science blogs, podcasts and newsletters of data professionals are:

  1. KDNuggets Blog
  2. R Bloggers Blog Aggregator
  3. O’Reilly Data Newsletter
  4. Becoming a Data Scientist Podcast
  5. No Free Hunch Blog (Kaggle)
  6. Siraj Raval YouTube Channel
  7. Data Elixir Newsletter
  8. FastML Blog
  9. Andrew Gelman’s Blog (Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science)
  10. Data Machina Newsletter

There were many resources available to learn about data science, machine learning and AI. Many data professionals mentioned resources that were not included in the list of options. Some notable mentions in the “Other” category included: Analytics Vidhya, Data Science Central, Data Science Weekly, Machine Learning Mastery, Not So Standard Deviations, SuperDataScience, WildML and This Week in Machine Learning and AI Podcast.

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  1. KDnuggets – Favourite Knowledge Science / Equipment Discovering Web site - IBM Spectrum Storage Solutions - March 12, 2018

    […] thanks to Bob E. Hayes the latest tweet I uncovered his website on Favourite Knowledge Science and Equipment Discovering Weblogs, which in change was based mostly […] | 206.372.5990
