What Must You Ask? Comparing Two Customer Survey Approaches
A new customer survey approach that requires only two open-ended questions provides customer insights that are comparable to a longer, more traditional customer survey. This ...
Why You Need to Adopt Data Science and Machine Learning in your Customer Experience/Success Program
A study of 80+ companies showed that analytical leading companies (those who use analytics to gain a competitive advantage), more so than analytical lagging companies, ...
Demystifying Data Science For All
I’m all for helping educate the world about the power of data and analytics. I believe that the power of data science can help businesses ...
Making Sense of Our Big Data World: Statistics for the 99%
Our world of Big Data is defined by the quantification of everything. In order to make sense of all the data around us, we need ...

Data Professionals Prefer A Hybrid Approach to Tools and Technologies
I recently reached out to data professionals on LinkedIn to ask a series of questions about their work. Results from one of those polls revealed that 58% of data pros reported that they prefer a hybrid approach (on premises and cloud) for their tools and technologies. About a third of respondents preferred the cloud. Only […]

How Did the COVID-19 Pandemic Impact Collaboration among Data Scientists?
I recently reached out to data professionals on LinkedIn to ask a series of questions about their work. Results from one of those polls revealed that 46% of data pros reported that they work more collaboratively with their colleagues now than before the COVID-19 pandemic. About a third of respondents indicated that they work less […]

Data Professionals are Dissatisfied with their Company’s Use of Analytics
a recent LinkedIn poll revealed that data professionals are generally dissatisfied with their company’s use of analytics in helping it gain a competitive advantage.

Help us Learn More about Data Science and Machine Learning
Data professionals, in all their different forms, play a significant role in how businesses operate today. From business analysts and data scientists to machine learning engineers and software developers, these data professionals extract insights from data and use those insights to drive businesses forward. Finding and using these data-driven insights requires the interplay of data […]

Take the Data Science and Machine Learning Survey
Data Science Roles and Their Skill Sets An excellent way to learn about a subject is to ask people involved in that subject. Specifically, to learn about data science and machine learning, it is good to ask data professionals who work in those areas. A few years ago, I conducted a study by asking data […]

Gender Inequality Persists in Data Science and AI
Results of a survey of data professionals show that about 1 out of 5 are women. Women are paid less than their male counterparts yet both women and men have similar levels of education.

Computing Platforms Used Most Often for Data Science Projects
Results of a worldwide survey reveal that data professionals overwhelmingly use a personal computer or laptop as their computing platform most often for their data science projects. The next most used computing platform is a cloud computing platform and a deep learning workstation. The practice of data science requires a variety of different tools and […]

Top Job Activities for Different Data Professionals
Results of a survey of data professionals show that different data roles engage in different activities while at work. Data Scientists indicated that three activities make up an important part of their work, the most across all data roles. The top activities across all data roles were related to analyzing data to influence decisions and […]